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Are you ready to experience the difference

For some, going to the chiropractor is a simple experience. You go in, get your neck “cracked” and your back “popped”, and within a...

Why Chiropractic is the Key to Wellness

Chiropractic has been around for over a hundred years and until recently, it was thought that one or a few individual bones of our spine could...

The Truth About Food Part II

"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need." - Ayurvedic ProverbHow many times have you stood in line...

The Truth About Food Part I

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - HippocratesBack in school, we learned that our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They moved...

5 Super Easy Selfcare Hacks for Moms

"Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws" - Barbara Kingsolver Being a mom is such a rewarding life experience. One...